Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tony Blair goes jogging

Tony Blair got up one morning and decided to go jogging. He turned out of Downing Street, ran along Whitehall and when he got to Trafalgar square sees a prostitute standing there.

"Fifty Quid love" she shouts.

"I'll give you a fiver" he replies and muttering too herself about how tight he his she walks off.

Well Tony enjoys the exercise and starts to go out jogging every day. And everytime he gets to Trafalgar Sqaure the same prostitute is there.

"Fifty Quid love" she shouts.

"I'll give you a fiver" he replies and off she goes muttering to herself.

After a few weeks of this he talks Cherie into joining him on his morning jog. Off they go down Whitehall and when they get to Trafalgar square the prostitute is there.

"See what you get for a fiver" she shouts.

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