Friday, July 11, 2008

Saving money at the cost of lives. Adults Only

Another major problem that the NHS has is that to save money, so there is plenty left to fund ridiculous stuff like IVF treatment for people too selfish to adopt, the NHS stopped employing cleaners and handed it all over to private contractors.

These contractors pay minimum wages, often use illegal immigrants and the result is that our hospitals are now so dirty that over four thousand people a year day from infections they caught in hospital.

It could easily be resolved of course. All they would need to do is get rid of all the admin staff who spend most of their time doing nothing and use the money saved to employ their own cleaners and pay them a decent wage. When I was in Hammersmith hospital somebody came round twice a day to inspect the ward and see if it was clean. That was twice a day more than any cleaners came. If they swapped these penpushers clipboards for a bucket and mop then maybe a lot of these deaths could be prevented.

Here is another nurse.

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