Thursday, November 20, 2008

What is racist?

What is racist about returning discipline to schools?
What is racist about putting more police on the streets and reclaiming them from the crooks?
What is racist about closing the doors on immigration because the country is full to bursting point?
What is racist about giving the pensioners of this country a good standard of living?
What is racist about pulling out of the corrupt EU?It is gobblong up billions of our taxes each year.It’s accounts haven’t been sanctioned for twelve years.
What is racist about rebuilding British industry?
What is racist about saving the environment with well thought out plans, not the woolly headed ideas coming from the LibLabCon?
What is racist about looking after our armed forces and giving them the equipment and respect that they deserve?
What is racist about making the punishment fit the crime,doing away with soft prison terms and making the criminals pay a price?
Finally what is racist about loving your own country?

The above are all BNP priorities and part of their manifesto. Take a look at their site rather than believing the rubbish spouted by the newspapers. You might be very surprised.

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