Saturday, February 18, 2006

Barmy Ken, the Terrorists friend.

When it was all kicking off with the muslim hypocrites Barmy Ken Livingstone, so called mayor of London (no capital letter on mayor because he has devalued the position so much) was remarkably quiet. Now this is a man who can spot a bandwagon to jump on from miles away so why not this one?

Well, I don't call him Barmy Ken, the terrorists friend, for nothing. This man makes a habit, at tax payers expense, of inviting militant muslim fanatics over to London to spread their messages of evil. His friends include people who believe suicide bombing to be justified and ones who advocate the stoning to death of homosexuals and adulterers. He is also a well known Jew hater who supports the Palestinians in their war of terror on Israel.

The reason he was so quiet is because he agrees with these muslim maniacs. Rumors that they are checking his hand writing with the slogans on the posters the nutters were carrying have yet to be confirmed.

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