Friday, February 03, 2006

Freedom of Speach

One of the most important aspects of a true democracy is the right to freedom of speech. No matter what your opinion is you should have the right to express it, no matter how offensive others may find it. For those of us this week there have been two major victories and a perfect example of Tony Blairs arogance and disrespect for parliament.

Firstly the ludicrous bill to virtually ban any critisism of any religion, designed to appease muslim fantatics, failed to make it through parliament. It was beaten by one vote, largely because Billy Liar thought it was going through and didn't bother to vote! Not that that is too surprising. This arogant fool holds the British Parliament in such contempt that he has only voted in 5% of ballots since coming to power!

Then yesterday a jury ruled that two BNP leaders were not guilty of inciting racial hatred because they expressed, what some might might deem, offensive remarks about islam and Asians. In effect the jury decided that they were entitled to their opinion and were entitled to express it.

Both of these events are significant coming so soon after Google capitulated to the Chinese Government and in the interest of extra profits agreed to censor their search engine in China and help one of the most corrupt regimes in the world to carry on persecuting anybody who disagrees with them.

Any restriction on an individuals right to their own opinion and their right to express it leads us down the path to dictatorship and must be avoided at all costs.

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