Sunday, February 26, 2006

Have your say.

Have you ever wondered why so many stupid laws get passed and how the same groups of people keep getting their way or why the majority never seem to get a look in nowdays? It's because they all give their MP so much grief that their MP has to act on their behalf. So anyone with an axe to grind or a particular passion gets their way in the end, even if the vast majority of us have to suffer.

In this day and age that is ridiculous. It used to be difficult to complain to your MP. Well not so much difficult but awkward, writing letters etc. But now we have e-mail. Writing to your MP takes a couple of minutes! It's just that most of you are too lazy to do it! Which is a shame because they do listen. If you have a genuine grievance they will try to help.

I have e-mailed both my last MP and my current MP, both lib dems, both knowing that I wouldn't vote for them if my life depended on it, and they have both tried to help! Just recently I complained about the unfairness of private hire drivers beeing fined when they pick up or drop off on Red Routes. My MP agreed with me, wrote to Transport for London and asked for some sort of justification of this and we are now awaiting their reply.

Three years ago I was concerned about mini-cab touts stealing all my work. I complained to the police and they ignored me. I complained to my MP, she complained to the police and the next night the police were out nicking the touts!

So if there is anything getting up your nose tell them. If a minority try to impose their views and nobody complains then they get there way. If the majority start taking a few minutes to let their MP know what they think then the majority will get a say and restore some sort of balance to our society.

It's up to you. Spend a few minutes to have your say. Or suffer the rest of your life in Silence.

To e-mail your MP click here and type in your postcode. Click the e-mail link and you are ready to start typing. Don't be rude but do make your point, whatever it is.

Then when you have mailed your MP and made your point save the link and mail them the next time you have a concern as well. Lets make them do their job properly and run the country for us and not just for minorities and focus groups.

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