Sunday, February 05, 2006

More Racism by the Police

I had just about calmed myself down from the fury I felt about the police allowing those muslim protesters to get away with their crimes when I made the mistake of picking up my Sunday newspaper.

Yesterday, in a protest by 2000 muslim hypocrite's, there were not only the usual hate filled chants against the west and the illegal hate filled placards. No, some of these hypocrite's went even further and dressed as suicide bombers.

At the same time a couple of white men, probably as sick of these people as I am, started handing out leaflets with the cartoons on. Guess which ones our totally unbiased Police force arrested?

Yes you guessed it. While these preachers of hate attempted to threaten and intimidate anybody who passed by our brave bobbies arrested the white men for handing out leaflets!

Just what crime were they committing? Well none actually. Which is why they were released without charge as soon as the muslim hypocrite's had gone home. Nice to know where our police forces priorities lie isn't it?

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