Friday, March 17, 2006

Wednesdays Budget: My Predictions

Well its that time of year again, the day when a scotsman stands up in parliament and tell the English how much more money he is going to take from them. Yes it's budget day. So I have decided to make some predictions.

If you are single it will cost you more money. If you drive it will cost you more money. If you are drink it will cost you more money. If you smoke it will cost you more money. If you are employed it will cost you more money. If you live in the South of England it will cost you more money.

If you are an illegal immigrant you will be better off. If you are a benefits scrounger with lots of kids you will be better off. If you are an unmarried mother you will be better off. If you are a career woman whose husband already earns a good wage you will be better off. If you are Scottish, Welsh, Irish or live in Northern England you will be better off. If you are a criminal you will be better off.

If you are a New Labour voter you should be ashamed of yourself. But you won't be, because you will also be an unmarried mother, long term unemployed, Scotish, Welsh, Irish, live in the North of England, be a career woman whose husband already earns a good wage or a criminal.

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