Sunday, May 25, 2008

Erzat Englishman wins at Monaco.

For a change the Monace Grand Prix wasn't just the usual borefest. Because it rained we actually got a race today. Unfortunately it was won by erzat Englishman Lewis Hamilton.

This piece of dirt is typical of everything that is wrong with this country. He has already earnt more money than he can ever hope to spend in his entire life time yet now lives in Switzerland so he doesn't have to pay tax in this country.

The poor in England are taxed more heavily than just about anywhere else in the world yet the people who could ease that tax burden, the super rich like scum Hamilton, refuse to pay their way. They are quite happy to get rich on the backs of the poor who pay their wages by supporting them yet when it comes to giving something back they don't want to know.

There should be a law that states that anyone living outside the country for a year and who doesn't pay their taxes in this country has their British Passport taken away and are forced to take citizenship in whichever tax haven they have fled to.

Lewis Hamilton gave up any right he had to call himself English when he spat in the faces of the poor by moving to Switzerland just to save himself money that he could never hope to spend anyway.

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