Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Thank you Peter

Well Peter has just put me in charge of our new Travel Guides! Cool, I have never been in charge before. Hope it doesn't go to my head like that gormless Gordon bloke. Or that chancer before him, Billy Liar was it? You know the bloke anyway. The socialist with the six houses and the gobby wife.

I will obviously do my best to make these guides as unbiased and truthful as possible but I will of course be open to bribes, just like the government. Unfortunately, unlike our government, I don't have access to unlimited amounts of tax payers money so I won't be able to visit all these places so will really be basing my observations on what other people have said but then that is exactly how the government makes decisions anyway. After all none of our MP's have ever done a days work in their lives but they tell us what we should be doing.

So I am looking forward to this. Thanks Peter. You can count on me!

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