Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How can anyone trust Gordon Brown?

How can anybody in their right mind trust Gordon Brown? This is the man who thought up one of the biggest scams of all time. The tax credit system.

Put simply this system overtaxes the poorest people in the country and then makes them try and claim the money back. It is done in the hope that a lot of people won't bother to claim or will be too confused by the sytem to claim. In this respect it works perfectly! Millions of pounds go unclaimed!

This money, stolen from the poorest members of our society, is then used to bribe Scotish and Welsh voters into voting for labour and keeping Gordon Brown and his cronies in highly paid jobs.

Many many years ago the Labour party was the party for the poor, dedicated to making society fairer and giving poor people a chance to get on in life. It is now a party for the rich and selfish, happily condemning people to a life of poverty purely to win votes.

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