Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Policy three. Scrap the human rights act.

The human rights act has nothing to do with protecting human rights and everything to do with lawyers making money. Billy Liar introduced this act purely and simply so his wife could earn more money. Apart from lining the pockets of scum like her and allowing criminals to walk the streets this act serves no purpose whatsoever.

You see it has one major flaw. By protecting the rights of criminals and allowing them to do as they wish it tramples all over the rights of the majority law abiding citizens.

What happened to our right to walk the streets safely? What happened to the rights of our children to be able to play in the park safely and surf the Internet without being preyed on by perverts? What happened to the rights of society to be protected from those who have little or no respect for our laws?

These rights were abolished by this ridiculous act purely so Cherie Blair and her friends could legally steal public money by exploiting the legal aid system.

This thieves and muggers charter has to go and will be one of the first things to go once I am in charge. And then I will have the police investigate Billy Liars motives in introducing it and if there is any justice both he and his wife will end up behind bars where they belong.

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