Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why is it called question time?

I watched primeministers question time today for the first time. I had seen bits of it before but not taken that much notice but today we were so quiet at work that I watched the whole lot.

For those of you who don't know it is when Billy Liar stands up in the house of commons and answers questions. Pretty simple format really, planned that way no doubt with Billy in mind. But this bunch of clowns can't even get something that simple right. The others got the hang of it, the Tories, The Lib Dems, the New Labour back benchers etc. They all stood up and asked their questions. But Tony Blair had serious trouble with the format. He never answered a single question!

All this walking penis did was ignore the questions and spout on about how much he has done for this country. Now why is that? I doubt there is one single person left in the country who actually believes him anymore. And as usual he lied!

Basically it consisted of a bunch of immature tossers who wouldn't know the real world if it got up and punched them in the face acting like a bunch of schoolboys having a who can piss the highest contest. It would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that these idiots are fleecing us out of our hard earned money and living the high life at our expense.

This is what they call running the country. This is the democracy they are desperate to force on the rest of the world. This is a perfect example of the complete and utter contempt that they feel for us mugs who allow them to do it.

The only difference between this countrys form of democracy and a dictatorship is that a dictator has the decency to line his pockets with money from another country instead of lineing it with the money of the poor people in his own country.

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