Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I don't understand the problem

Now before I go any further let me just tell you that Mr Ezy wasn't the only one to complain. I have had had loads of e-mail complaining that I am encouraging women and other undesirables to the site. But why is that a problem?

Apart from anything else I only get a couple of chances a week to scour the galleries and find the hot totty that I know you all like. And to keep you lot happy I have to continuely find new things to say, find stuff to challange your intellect.

Obviously there is no need for that with a woman. Women are easy to satisfy, the odd pic now and then and nothing thats going to tax their brains. Just a few one liners keeps then happy. Besides, the one who has been making "suggestions" is a blonde! It's not really going to take too much to keep her happy is it? I can still make my usual sexist comments safe in the knowledge that she won't have a clue what I'm talking about!

So stop feeling threatened all of you. She is only a woman after all. And take a look on here Thursday morning. I think you will find enough top class crumpet to keep you happy for quite a while.

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